Thursday 4.18.2024

*Coach’s Notes: Today, just like Tuesday of last week, will focus on Pressing strength, with some accessory work for the Single Leg Hinge pattern. We are building on the Push Press from that session, as the reps are going down (from 8 to 6).

Treat Part B as true accessory work, with the focus on quality over quantity/difficulty. Explore different options on the Dips, utilizing either the rings, parallel bars, or two boxes turned to their 30" height; if needed, use a foot assist on the floor to complete the rep range and tempo smoothly. If you are very proficient with dips, consider adding weight to the movement.

If you’d prefer to avoid pressing quickly overhead (as in the Push Press), substitute Part A with sets of 6-10 reps on the Dumbbell Seated Press. If dips are problematic, complete a Push-up or Dumbbell Floor Press variation.


A. Four working sets of:
Push Press x 6 reps
Rest 2 minutes

*Set 1 — 6/10 RPE
*Set 2 — 7/10 RPE
*Set 3 — 8/10 RPE
*Set 4 — 8/10 RPE

If preferred, substitute Dumbbells or Kettlebells for the Barbell.
Increase your loading from what you used on 4.9.2024

B. Two or three sets @ RPE 7/10 of:
Ring or Stationary Dips x 6-8 reps @ 20X0
Rest 45 seconds
Hand Supported Single Leg Romanian Deadlift x 6-8 reps each leg @ 20X0
Rest 45 seconds

C. Every 3 minutes, for 12 minutes (4 sets):
12/10 Calorie Row Sprint*
10-12 Supine Crush Grip Dumbbell Tricep Extenstions @ 20X0
12-16 Plank Dumbbell Pull Throughs

*The time we are tracking here is the Row portion. Take your time completing the Tricep Extensions and Pull Throughs, and focus on trying to go very very hard on your sprint efforts!


Bike Erg
30sec at easy pace,
90sec at moderate pace
45sec at easy pace
75sec at fastish pace
60sec at easy pace
60sec at fast pace
75sec at easy pace
45sec at faster pace
90sec at easy pace
30sec sprint

Rest 3 minutes
x 3 sets


Friday 4.19.2024


Wednesday 4.17.2024